KuNa Kids


Are you proud to be South Africa, to come from a country filled with amazing cultures and creatives? I know I am. I love everything that makes us different from the rest of the world. Our celebration of life is extends to everything around us and that include the clothes we choose to wear to express those feelings.
One of my favorite children garment designers and business is KuNa Kids – the designs are adult, but whimsical, on trend and creating their own too! Beautiful, striking colours, with attention to detail and bold patterns.
We want you to get to know more about Shingai of KuNa Kids:

Shingai Nyagweta

Tell us a little about KuNa Kids?

At KuNa Kids, we strive to create a range of clothing that is carefully considered and detail driven, our colourful collections have just the right amount of fun.
We want your little ones to feel fabulous. Our clothes are bright, with touches of African energy and soul. This isn’t about fast fashion, it’s about pieces to truly treasure.
We sell at 27 Boxes in Melville . We also sell online with free shipping on http://www.kuna.co.za


When did you start?

KuNa was founded in April of 2009 , But we did our first sale in December of 2009!

Vision behind the name?

The brand is named after my since departed niece (2012), muse and inspiration Kunashe (KuNa for short).

Tell us about yourself – who is the face behind KuNa Kids?

From a young age I loved colour. Loved patterns. Loved shapes and knew in my heart of hearts, that a fashion designer, was what I wanted to be. That childlike love translates into the bold pattern and use of African fabrics through out the KuNa Collection.


Where you always an entrepreneur?

At heart yes. But it is a muscle that need to be honed, crafted and studied like any other skill.

 You are a creative person, where do you get your inspiration from?

Unlike most designers, my inspiration, the story, always starts with the print. A colour, -a fabric. I let it tell a story, that tells me what that final piece should be.

What is your view on where children’s fashion is going in South Africa?

Only Up ! We have had the same major players dominating the market for over 25 years, I think parents are excited to see something new, unique, and bright! Something that has a true African core, but can be worn universally. Watch out world!

Why should parents choose KuNa Kids?

If you love your child to look unique and not “out of the box”, if you value nurturing you your child’s joyous energy with expressive clothing that is made with pride , ethically and locally, then you will love KuNa. Our ranges are truly one of a kind as we make lots of small collections of garments, ensuring each child is wearing something unique and different.


What was your favourite toy as a Child?

Paint and paper. Could keep me quiet for hours

Did you have a movie or cartoon that you loved?

Jem and the holograms … Must have been their colourful stage outfits 🙂

Were you a play outside and build forts or dress your doll for days?

Neither, I was a total bookworm. Anything I could grab to read I would read!

Did you have a favourite outfit that you loved and would always wear – or remember wearing.

No . I got bored of the clothing I had very quickly . Having grown up in Europe, the clothing was beautiful, but goodness was it drab in colour!

Any advice for other mom-entrepreneurs?

I am not a mom myself 🙂 but have absolute respect, especially for the single moms who have ventured into their own businesses, what strength. My advice it to no be so hard on yourselves, your doing great and setting an amazing example of work ethic for your kids.

If you want to find out more about KuNa Kids – Visit their website

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